Instructor Profile

2023 Instructor lineup
Katie Ward

Katie is a mother, an artist, and a passionate mover and shaker. She understands that adulting is hard work! As a Functional Posture Coach, Katie incorporates playful aspects of the Bowspring Alignment system with her students, clients, and herself to connect to the playful inner child that lives within all of us. Katie has immersed herself in alignment education since 2008, pursuing many certifications and trainings in Pilates, pre and postnatal body alignment, the MELT Method, and the Bowspring. She finds great satisfaction in helping people feel better in their bodies and wants to promote opportunities to realign with restorative movements that are fun!
Introducing new ways to think about balanced movement and realigned posture lights Katie up, especially when wiggles and giggles are involved!

Primal Playtime
Primal Playtime is a fun, family centered introduction to dynamic engagement and elements of the Bowspring Alignment System. Embody animal like shapes and sounds based on the natural geometries of the body. Tap into your playful primal self with this fun, inclusive experience for both kids and adults. Explore silly ways to think, move, learn, laugh, and play together!